Since 1988 the Burlington Township Dollars for Scholars Committee has been raising funds through our annual mail-a-thon, a phone-a-thon supported by student volunteers, as well as, from the gracious gifts by members of our community who have established trusts in honor or memory of loved ones.  We now have the option that will allow you to support us with an online gift.

50 years ago, Dr. Irving Fradkin, founder of Scholarship America Dollars for Scholars, asked members of his community to give anything they could -- even one dollar -- to support local students. Today, your gift to our Dollars for Scholars chapter helps ensure that students in our community are able to achieve their goals. To donate to our chapter, click the button below. You will be taken to our donation page to make your secure, tax-deductible gift. 
Thank you for supporting our Dollars for Scholars!
Click Here to contribute to Walter Haworth Memorial Donations